Safest Stores

willitscam (

We created this site because we were tired of so many friends being scammed online. We hope to help many people avoid scams. We will let users set our rating. We are most definitely certified as safe!

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lightingtrendz (

We have verified purchase and the products sold here are of high quality. You can purchase all kinds of LEDs for all motor vehicles. From custom headlights to under the car.

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wallyslights (

Customers report fast shipping and good support.

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eero (

We have purchased a few of these Eero products and they work fine. Owned by Amazon.

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xlights (

Offers a free service, you can donate. We have confirmed this a valid service.

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Falcon (

We have researched and verified purchase of product. Products seem well made, shipping times can be slow. Users report good support.

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foxnews (

This is a legitimate news broadcast. some users complain of bias.

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microsoft (

Without a doubt a legitimate company now. Maybe not so when it first started!

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hookedonphonics (

We have verified a purchase from this company.

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eventbrite (
bark (

We have used this product for a year and can validate it's quality. It's non-intrusive by not putting your nose in the childs business, but lets you know of something detrimental to your child, such as child predator alert, or suicide alert and gives you context.

We are happy certify this product.

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Brilliant (

We have verified purchase from this company. Their products are expensive, but quality products.

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Goat Guns (

Have verified multiple purchases from this company. Product is good quality, all metal.

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Konnected (

We have verified a purchase from this company. Product and Support are excellent.

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netflix (

Everyone has a Netflix account. We are certifying them as safe for obvious reasons.

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webuyhomesandestates (
webuyhomesandestates (
sense (

We have verified purchase from this company. The cost is high, product is ok.

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wiredwatts (

Verified multiple purchases. Customer support is high!

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hulu (

We know this is obviously not a scam.

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Holiday Coro (

We have researched and verified purchase from this company. Products seem well made. Users report fast shipping times. Support was reported very poor by some customers.

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kulplights (

We have researched this company and verified purchase of product. It also appears to have good support.

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narwal (

We have verified purchase. Customers report product works well. It seems to do better at mopping over vacuuming, but does both well.

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websitedomain (

We made this as part of our example. Lets show you how this all works.

If you are on Facebook and an ad shows up. Lets say it is for Atmos Home Smart Controller.

You could click "Comment" on the ad and type this:

Then press enter. We will look up the company and respond right inside of the browser. You don't even have to come to our website.

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padmate-tech (

We have verified multiple purchases over the past 5 years. Good product for a low cost. It is from China, so orders can take 2-3 weeks, but solid company.

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Wish (

We have researched this and made several purchases from this company. Keep in mind this is like Ebay, many sellers, some may be shady, all foreign. They are also shady on shipping prices. You can add $40 in items and shipping can be $50+.

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Hexclad (

From what we have researched, this is a legitimate company. Some claim their pans do indeed scratch when you magnify the pan, but several videos show many people liking their pans.

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wang-fung (
worldwidediscoveries (